Bab I Internasional Bisnis
Pergeseran perekonmian yang terintegrasi dan saling bergantung diseluruh dunia
Dua komponen globalisasi :
- Globalisasi pasar : perusahaan menawarkan produk standar keseluruh dunia guna menciptakan pasar dunia
- Globalisasi produksi : mengacu pada sumber barang & jasa dari lokasi diseluruh dunia untuk mengambil keuntungan dan perbedaan dalam biaya atau kualitas dari factor-faktor produksi yaitu buruh, tanah & modal.
Bisnis internasional
- All business transaction that involve two or more countries
- Transaksi bisnis diantara lebih dari dua Negara
Mengapa perusahaan terlibat dalam bisnis internasional ?
- Untuk perluasan
- Memperoleh sumber
- Diversivikasi sumber penjualan & perlengkapan
- Meminimalkan resiko kompetitif
Alasan untuk pertumbuhan bisnis internasional
- Perluasan teknologi
- Gerakan Liberalisasi cross-border
- Pendukung pengembangan pengaturan kelembagaan
- Peningkatan persaingan global
- Globalisasi produksi
Mode bisnis internasional
- Ekspor-impor
- Kinerja layanan
- Penggunaan asset
- Investasi
Pengaruh eksternal pada bisnis internasional
- Memahami manajer fisik & social lingkungan
- Hidup perusahaan membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang opersi bisnis, pengetahuan kerja ilmu politik, hokum, sosiologi, ekonomi & geografi
Evolusi strategi dalam proses internasionalisasi
- Pola ekspansi:pasip:eksternal untuk penanganan internal perusahaan;Terbatas pada mode operasi yang luas
- Memperdalam modus komitmen
- Diversifikasi geografis (latar belakang budaya yang sama)
- Lompatan ekspansi: perusahaan mulai dengan focus global
Munculnya lembaga global: globalisasi telah menciptakan kebutuhan istitusi untuk membantu mengelola,mengatur,dan posisis pasar global.
- Bank dunia
Maka factor yang mendasari kecenderungan globalisasi yang lebih besar: penurunan hambatan perdagangan, dan perubahan tehnologi
Mengubah demografi ekonomi dunia
- Dunia output dan perdagangan
- Mengubah investasi asing langsung
- Mengubah sifat perusahaan multinasional: mini perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan multinasional non as
Globalisasi debat-pro
- Turunkan harga barang dan jasa
- Stimulasi pertumbuhan ekonomi
- Kenaikan pendapatan konsumen
- Menciptakan pekerjaan
- Negara-negara mengkhususkan diri dalam produksi barang dan jasa yang di produksi paling efisien
Globalisasi debat-kontra
- Menghancurkan pekerjaan manufakturdi kaya, Negara-negara maju
- Tingkat upah pekerja tidak terampil di Negara-negara maju menurun
- Perusahaan bergerak ke Negara-negara dengan tenaga kerja lebih sedikit dan peratuan lingkungan
- Hilangnya kedaulatan
Characteristics of Culture :
• Learned behavior
• Interrelated elements
• Adaptive
• Shared
Social Structure :
• Individuals, families, and groups
– Importance of family
– Definition of family
– Importance of individual relative to the group
• Social stratification – categorization based on birth, occupation, educational achievements
• Social mobility – ability to move from one stratum of society to another
Values and Attitudes :
• Values: accepted principles and standards
• Attitudes: actions, feelings, and thoughts that result from values
– Time
– Age
– Education
– Status
• Theories of CultureHall’s Low-Context, High-Context Approach
• Cultural Cluster Approach
• Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
Understanding New Cultures :
• Self-reference criterion
• Cultural literacy
• Acculturation
The Legal Environment
While domestic firms must follow laws and customs of home country, international businesses must obey laws of home country and all host countries.
Legal Systems
· Common Law
o Based on wisdom of judges’ decisions on individual cases through history
o Cases create legal precedents
· Civil Law
o Based on codification of what is and is not permissible
o Originated in biblical times with the Romans
o Reinforced by French Napoleonic code
o Judge determines scope of evidence collected and presented
· Religious Law
o Based on the officially established rules governing faith and practice of a particular religion
o A country that applies religious law to civil and criminal conduct is called a theocracy
· Bureaucratic Law
Arbitration is the process by which both parties to a conflict agree to submit their cases to a private individual or body whose decision they will honor.
International Trade :
• Trade: voluntary exchange of goods, services, assets, or money between one person or organization and another
• International trade: trade between residents of two countries
Classical Country-Based Trade Theories :
• Mercantilism
o A country’s wealth is measured by its holdings of gold and silver
o A country’s goal should be to enlarge holdings of gold and silver by
– Promoting exports
– Discouraging imports
• Absolute Advantage
o Export those goods and services for which a country is more productive than other countries
o Import those goods and services for which other countries are more productive than it is
• Comparative Advantage
o Produce and export those goods and services for which it is relatively more productive than other countries
o Import those goods and services for which other countries are relatively more productive than it is
• Comparative Advantage with Money
o One is better off specializing in what one does relatively best
o Produce and export those goods and services one is relatively best able to produce
o Buy other goods and services from people who are better at producing them
• Relative Factor Endowments
Modern Firm-Based Trade Theories :
• Country Similarity Theory
o Explains the phenomenon of intraindustry trade
– Trade between two countries of goods produced by the same industry
ü Japan exports Toyotas to Germany
ü Germany exports BMWs to Japan
• Product Life Cycle Theory
o Describes the evolution of marketing strategies
o Stages
– New product
– Maturing product
– Standardized product
• Global Strategic Rivalry Theory
o Firms struggle to develop sustainable competitive advantage
o Advantage provides ability to dominate global marketplace
o Focus: strategic decisions firms use to compete internationally
• Porter’s National Competitive Advantage
o Success in trade comes from the interaction of four country and firm specific elements
– Factor conditions
– Demand conditions
– Related and supporting industries
– Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry
Bab 5 International Strategic Management
International Strategic Management
Comprehensive and ongoing management planning process aimed at formulating and implementing strategies that enable a firm to compete effectively internationally
Sources of Competitive Advantage for International Businesses
- Global efficiencies
- Multinational flexibility
- Worldwide learning
Strategic Alternatives
- Home replication strategy
- Multidomestic strategy
- Global strategy
- Transnational strategy
Steps in International Strategy Formulation
- Develop a Mission Statement
- Perform a SWOT Analysis
- Set Strategic Goals
- Develop Tactical
- Goals and Plans
- Develop a Control Framework
SWOT Analysis
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats
BAB 6 The International Monetary System and the Balance of Payments
BOP Statistics
- Identify emerging markets
- Warn of possible new policies
- Indicate reductions in a country’s foreign-exchange reserves
- Signal increased riskiness of lending to particular countries
Major Components of the BOP Accounting System
- Current Account
- Capital Account
- Official Reserves
- Errors and Omissions
Errors and Omissions
- BOP must balance
- Current Account + Capital Account + Official Reserves Account = 0
- Current Account + Capital Account + Official Reserves Account + Errors and Omissions = 0