Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Ringkasan tentang The role of culture, Legal, technologi and political forces, Internasional trade and invesment management

Bab I Internasional Bisnis
Pergeseran perekonmian yang terintegrasi dan saling bergantung diseluruh dunia
Dua komponen globalisasi :
  • Globalisasi pasar : perusahaan menawarkan produk standar keseluruh dunia guna menciptakan pasar dunia
  • Globalisasi produksi  : mengacu pada sumber barang & jasa dari lokasi diseluruh dunia untuk mengambil keuntungan dan perbedaan dalam biaya atau kualitas  dari factor-faktor produksi  yaitu buruh, tanah & modal.
Bisnis internasional
  • All business transaction that involve two or more countries
  • Transaksi bisnis diantara lebih dari dua Negara
Mengapa perusahaan terlibat dalam bisnis internasional ?
  •  Untuk perluasan
  • Memperoleh sumber
  • Diversivikasi sumber penjualan & perlengkapan
  • Meminimalkan resiko kompetitif
Alasan untuk pertumbuhan bisnis internasional
  • Perluasan teknologi
  • Gerakan Liberalisasi cross-border
  • Pendukung pengembangan pengaturan kelembagaan
  • Peningkatan persaingan global
  • Globalisasi produksi
Mode bisnis internasional
  • Ekspor-impor
  • Kinerja layanan
  • Penggunaan asset
  • Investasi
Pengaruh eksternal pada bisnis internasional
  • Memahami manajer fisik & social lingkungan
  • Hidup perusahaan membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang opersi bisnis, pengetahuan kerja ilmu politik, hokum, sosiologi, ekonomi & geografi
Evolusi strategi dalam proses internasionalisasi
  •  Pola ekspansi:pasip:eksternal untuk penanganan internal perusahaan;Terbatas pada mode operasi yang luas
  • Memperdalam modus komitmen
  • Diversifikasi geografis (latar belakang budaya yang sama)
  •  Lompatan ekspansi: perusahaan mulai dengan focus global
Munculnya lembaga global: globalisasi telah menciptakan kebutuhan istitusi untuk membantu mengelola,mengatur,dan posisis pasar global.
  • GAT 
  • WTO
  •  IMF
  • Bank dunia
  •  PBB   
Maka factor yang mendasari kecenderungan globalisasi yang lebih besar:  penurunan hambatan perdagangan, dan perubahan tehnologi
Mengubah demografi ekonomi dunia
  • Dunia output dan perdagangan
  • Mengubah investasi asing langsung
  •  Mengubah sifat perusahaan multinasional: mini perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan multinasional non as
 Globalisasi debat-pro
  • Turunkan harga barang dan jasa
  • Stimulasi pertumbuhan ekonomi
  • Kenaikan pendapatan konsumen
  • Menciptakan pekerjaan
  • Negara-negara mengkhususkan diri dalam produksi barang dan jasa yang di produksi  paling efisien    
Globalisasi debat-kontra
  • Menghancurkan pekerjaan manufakturdi kaya, Negara-negara maju
  •  Tingkat upah pekerja tidak terampil di Negara-negara maju menurun
  • Perusahaan bergerak ke Negara-negara dengan tenaga kerja lebih sedikit dan peratuan lingkungan
  • Hilangnya kedaulatan

Characteristics of Culture :
          Learned behavior
          Interrelated elements
Social Structure :
          Individuals, families, and groups
        Importance of family
        Definition of family
        Importance of individual relative to the group
          Social stratification – categorization based on birth, occupation, educational achievements
          Social mobility – ability to move from one stratum of society to another
Values and Attitudes :
          Values: accepted principles and standards
          Attitudes: actions, feelings, and thoughts that result from values

          Theories of CultureHall’s Low-Context, High-Context Approach
          Cultural Cluster Approach
          Hofstede’s Five Dimensions

Understanding New Cultures :
          Self-reference criterion
          Cultural literacy

The Legal Environment
While domestic firms must follow laws and customs of home country, international businesses                 must obey laws of home country and all host countries.
Legal Systems
·         Common Law
o   Based on wisdom of judges’ decisions on individual cases through history
o   Cases create legal precedents

·         Civil Law
o   Based on codification of what is and is not permissible
o   Originated in biblical times with the Romans
o   Reinforced by French Napoleonic code
o   Judge determines scope of evidence collected and presented

·         Religious Law
o   Based on the officially established rules governing faith and practice of a particular religion
o   A country that applies religious law to civil and criminal conduct is called a theocracy

·         Bureaucratic Law

Arbitration is the process by which both parties to a conflict agree to submit their cases to a private individual or body whose decision they will honor.

International Trade :
          Trade: voluntary exchange of goods, services, assets, or money between one person or organization and another
          International trade: trade between residents of two countries

Classical Country-Based Trade Theories :
o   A country’s wealth is measured by its holdings of gold and silver
o   A country’s goal should be to enlarge holdings of gold and silver by
        Promoting exports
        Discouraging imports
          Absolute Advantage
o   Export those goods and services for which a country is more productive than other countries
o   Import those goods and services for which other countries are more productive than it is
          Comparative Advantage
o   Produce and export those goods and services for which it is relatively more productive than other countries
o   Import those goods and services for which other countries are relatively more productive than it is
          Comparative Advantage with Money
o   One is better off specializing in what one does relatively best
o   Produce and export those goods and services one is relatively best able to produce
o   Buy other goods and services from people who are better at producing them
          Relative Factor Endowments

Modern Firm-Based Trade Theories :
          Country Similarity Theory
o   Explains the phenomenon of intraindustry trade
        Trade between two countries of goods produced by the same industry
ü  Japan exports Toyotas to Germany
ü  Germany exports BMWs to Japan

          Product Life Cycle Theory
o   Describes the evolution of marketing strategies
o   Stages
        New product
        Maturing product
        Standardized product

          Global Strategic Rivalry Theory
o   Firms struggle to develop sustainable competitive advantage
o   Advantage provides ability to dominate global marketplace
o   Focus: strategic decisions firms use to compete internationally

          Porter’s National Competitive Advantage
o   Success in trade comes from the interaction of four country and firm specific elements
        Factor conditions
        Demand conditions
        Related and supporting industries
        Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry

Bab 5 International Strategic Management

International Strategic Management
Comprehensive and ongoing management planning process aimed at  formulating and implementing strategies that enable a firm to compete effectively internationally
 Sources of Competitive Advantage for International Businesses
  • Global efficiencies
  •  Multinational flexibility
  • Worldwide learning
Strategic  Alternatives
  • Home replication strategy
  • Multidomestic strategy
  •  Global strategy
  • Transnational strategy
 Steps in International Strategy Formulation
  • Develop a Mission Statement
  •  Perform a SWOT Analysis
  • Set Strategic Goals
  • Develop Tactical
  • Goals and Plans
  • Develop a Control Framework
 SWOT Analysis
  • Strengths
  •  Weaknesses
  •  Opportunities
  • Threats
BAB 6 The International Monetary System and the Balance of Payments

BOP Statistics
  • Identify emerging markets
  • Warn of possible new policies
  • Indicate reductions in a country’s foreign-exchange reserves
  • Signal increased riskiness of lending to particular countries
Major Components of the BOP Accounting System
  •  Current Account
  •   Capital Account
  •   Official Reserves
  • Errors and Omissions
Errors and Omissions
  •  BOP must balance
  • Current Account + Capital Account + Official Reserves Account = 0
  • Current Account + Capital Account + Official Reserves Account + Errors and Omissions = 0